Up and coming bareback rider Ft. a honky tonk bareback rider

They say that the generation is our future. Tonight I picked my very first Bareback Riding / Saddle Bronc Riding Profile series winner. Not only did this bareback rider win the contest he will get to design a CUSTOM ride right vest, and pick out a new flashy pair of kimes ranch jeans! This is something that I'll never forget. I crowned a first generation bareback rider, and a bareback rider that is just starting out and getting his name out there. Now, you're probably thinking why would I do something like that vs. a guy with a name. You see, everyone deserves a shot to shine and get there name out there. I love helping the rookies and the guy's that are just starting out. They guy's that are just starting out in bronc riding today are our future tomorrow. With that being said, I want you to meet Justin Penner! Justin is a bareback rider from Riverside, Calif. and he's only been riding bucking horses since January! To learn more about Justin, please, check out his FULL profile on Instagram by clicking the link below: www.instagram.com/rodeochatt 



Honty tonk Buckin Horses with Kimes Ranch Jeans International sponsorship contest winner, Mike Solberg:

Question from Sumer Sloan - Other than the obvious what's the difference between bareback and saddle bronc? Which is harder? Why do you love bareback? Is it dangerous? How long have you been doing it? How often do you rodeo? What will you do when you get too old to do bareback riding? What advice will you give aspiring riders?


Mike Solberg - Haha! Spur strokes are different, bareback riders lift on their riggin, bronc riders lift on their rein. I think both are equally as hard, both mentally and physically, I think bareback riding might be a little harder on a guy if you screw up. Love bareback riding cuz of the traveling the adrenaline rush the rush after you get off, the feeling after you know you made a good ride, it's unbelievable. I go every weekend from now until September. I've been rodeoing since I was 13, bareback riding I started when I was 16. My wife and I own a ranch so I'll be doing that full time. Never give up, there's always ups and downs but thrive on the ups and push through the downs, and you'll end up the champ!


Paige Gregory
Owner and Founder of RodeoChat
Cookeville, TN
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