
Simplification and Organization

Simplification and Organization

Several months into summer, with spring cleaning long past, the necessity of simplifying our wardrobes and organizing them is still relevant. Simplifying your wardrobe and organizing remaining items keeps outfits fresh in your mind, cleaning out what you don’t use gives you a sense of freedom and the extra funds and storage space are an added bonus.

Simplifying or downsizing your show clothing in the mid-summer months can help get maximum payouts when re-selling them. Most exhibitors sell off their clothing at the end of the season or in the early spring. Selling during the height of the summer run means you are in the height of use for youth, amateur and open exhibitors. With many large shows on the forecast for the late summer months and fall, many fund savvy people are hunting a new-to-them outfit for these events. The funds you get from selling off clothing you aren’t using or no longer fits can help with the expenses of getting down the road or you can put in a fund toward a new outfit.

After weeding out items you no longer need or use, you should have ample room for your go-to, must-have, and can’t-live-without items. Use this opportunity to organize and take inventory of what you have left. Check items for wear and tear, take clothing in for repairs, and do a deep clean on boots, spurs, and chaps.

Head to your local dollar store and pick up some cheap garment bags, label each bag and sort clothing into outfits or color schemes when hanging them in the trailer. This method makes finding what you need on a hectic show day easier. No more opening and closing, shuffling and wrinkling your dry cleaning.

Inventorying items also, gives you a true sense of what you have, from there you can eliminate what you don’t wear or what no longer fits. Haven’t used that vest in 3 years probably time to sell. Brown chaps clashing with your black horse? Time to sell. What was once a “form-fitting” shirt currently got you feeling like a busted can of biscuits, its likely time to sell. Who knows will all that organizing and inventorying you may find a long forgotten item that needs showcasing today! It’s like shopping in your own closet.

Have some organizing or simplifying tips? Be sure to share them on social media or in a comment below, use #kimesranch. 

- Paige Morgan
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