
Kimes Ranch in the NRCHA

Kimes Ranch in the NRCHA

Kimes Ranch has been a familiar sight at NRCHA events for many years. Not only can you spot that recognizable logo on the pockets of jeans and caps everywhere you look, but you can catch the members of the Kimes family as regular contestants in the Youth and Non-Pro classes at NRCHA regional and major events. The Kimes family has deep roots in the western industry- their early years spent in the Quarter Horse show pen collecting World Championships, obtaining multiple reining titles, and even a few years spent showing cutting horses.

   Amanda Kimes, the matriarch and co-founder of the brand, began her show career in the Pacific Northwest showing in the all-around events. She was strongly supported by her family in her competitive ventures, and is now heavily involved in the western equine industry with the family she has created with her husband. Matt Kimes, the other half of the brand’s founding duo, hit the ground running in the showpen at an early age, accumulating multiple championships in the AQHyA and Congress all-around, reining, and cutting events. “Our brand is founded firmly in family and work ethic, which are deeply valuable principles across all performance horse industries,” Amanda states proudly. This family lives and breathes the western lifestyle.

   After a decorated past in the all-around world, the Kimes family wanted to branch out to other avenues of competition. “I showed reiners and cutters when I was younger,” reflects Matt. “When we were introducing our kids to showing, the NRCHA offered the best opportunity for them to learn horsemanship within all the different disciplines. When it was my turn to get a horse, showing a cow horse in the NRCHA with my family made perfect sense.”  

   While the cowhorse industry is a family affair for the Kimes, it is also a place of friendship and camaraderie, “All of our friends compete in NRCHA, so naturally, we had to get involved!” The Kimes Ranch extended family had strong ties to the cowhorse as well. The Chief of Marketing, Lindsay Perraton, started showing in the NRCHA over 25 years ago, training with longtime childhood friend, Shadd Parkinson. NRCHA professional trainer, Shadd Parkinson, is also the husband to the Kimes Ranch Event and Sponsorship Manager, McKenzie Parkinson, the daughter of the legendary Al Dunning. Sue Schmitz, a valuable sales rep of Kimes, has shown cow horses for many years, riding with Shadd Parkinson. Kiva Lindaman is the Director of Operations and the wife of NRCHA open professional Grant Lindaman. 

   Lynzee Foreman, who manages the Kimes warehouse in Glendale, has been successful in reined cowhorse events and is the daughter of NRCHA legend, NRHA Million-Dollar rider, and Hall of Fame inductee, Randy Paul. MacKinnon Crawford, Retail Manager for Kimes, is also the daughter of one of the most famous NRCHA trainers and board member, Todd Crawford. Andi Paul, who manages the Kimes Ranch store in Glendale, is an active judge for western performance horse events. The offices and warehouses are full of legacies and connections to the western performance horse industry.

   The move to show in NRCHA was largely inspired by the talented group of NRCHA athletes that Kimes has partnered with for many years.  They have endearingly coined these athletes  #KRJFamily and the team includes Chris & Sarah Dawson, Erin Taormino, Nick Dowers, and Clayton Edsall to name a few. Several of these trainers have been a part of the Kimes Ranch family from the early days of the company. 

   “We have always felt such a sense of gratitude towards our NRCHA athletes that believed in us back when we were just starting out. To have this elite group of trainers wear our brand in and out of the show pen is an honor. Not only are they exemplary representatives of Kimes Ranch anywhere they go, but they are always great sports whenever we need to involve them in any of our crazy marketing and social media ideas. I love working with our cow horse team,” says McKenzie Parkinson, who manages the Kimes endorsees.

   Looking forward, Kimes Ranch has lofty goals for their partnership with the NRCHA including expanded opportunities for youth and youth scholarships. “The future looks bright for the NRCHA youth. With over 40 entries in the youth boxing at the Western Derby, this next generation of cowhorse exhibitors is already showing they are extremely talented and hardworking competitors,” remarks Matt Kimes. “We look forward to doing what we can to help this industry grow.” For Kimes Ranch, this is a respectable association that brings pride and joy. Matt continues, “There is a mutual opportunity for growth with this partnership, and we intend to keep it going.”

   Chief Marketing Officer for Kimes Ranch, Lindsay Perraton, sums up their relationship with NRCHA with a look to the future.  “Our goal is to spend a lifetime with and within this organization. This is home for us. NRCHA and the people within it are the true embodiment of horsemen and horsewomen. They are great role models, teammates, and sportsmen. This is an organization that makes us proud to be a part of and raise our families within it.”


-Shea Gilson

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