Family - Angie Keilhauer

Angie Keilhauer
Hometown: Marietta, GA
Current Residence: Nashville, TN
Discipline: Country Music Artist
Why did you decide on this career path?
As I got older, despite being pulled in so many directions, I realized the one thing that I couldn't give up was music. Even if it meant not sleeping so I could finish a song AND study for an exam...or giving up a party to take a cab across the city to play an open mic...the drive was constant. My second year of college I was offered a position as an acoustic soloist on a cruise ship. Everyone told me I was crazy to give up school, but somehow it was the easiest decision I've ever made. In the five years since then I've released two records that hit top five on iTunes, been on a primetime TV show, and recently released a song for Disney and performed it in front to 60K people! I love every part of this job. I love writing, I love traveling and meeting people from all over the world, most of all I love how music pushes me to do more every day. To make the most of every little bit of energy I have to become better than I was before. It's an incredible power to feel that motivation, and I get it in my bones every time I put in my headphones, and every time I get behind a microphone.
Biggest Accomplishment
This is a hard one. I could say it was being on The Voice, or getting a feature in Rolling Stone magazine, or a million other things that still feel unreal for me to even say out loud....but to be completely honest I think a 'Biggest Accomplishment' should be the thing that gets you through the rough parts. The 3am wakeup calls, and the 8 hour drives straight into soundcheck, etc. When I look back at my life, the things that give me the most pride and strength aren't the successes I've had... it's the failures. It took a lot of mistakes, a lot of pain and heartache to figure out how to live the dream of touring full-time. I would say my biggest accomplishment is that I never gave up, I never surrendered the dream. Looking back on what I endured to get to where I am now, it's easy to be grateful. And that's an amazing place to be. I hope that makes sense!
Social Media:
Snapchat: @AngieKeilhauer