
RAM Turquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo

RAM Turquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo

It's Monday 10:39 AM MT in Little Big Horn, MT. I just finished some media for my snapchat channel this week. This week's topic is, Practice Pens! You can learn more about that topic on my snapchat channel, RodeoChat. On that note, I just finished reading all about the PRCA Ram Turquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo! I didn't attend the event this year in Las Cruces, NM but this is all the info I gathered from the event.

  • All - Around Cowboy: Trenten Montero, $9,353, bareback riding and bull riding.
  • Bareback Riding: Trenten Montero, 230 points on three head, $2,583.
  • Steer Wrestling: Justin Simon, 14.7 seconds on three head, $2,640.
  • Team Roping: Erich Rogers/Cory Petska, 22.2 seconds on three head, $2,640 each.
  • Saddle Bronc Riding: Taos Muncy, 225 points on three head, $2,583.
  • Tie-Down Roping: Tristan Mahoney, 28.2 seconds on three head, $2,640.
  • Barrel Racing: Sherry Cervi, 48.24 seconds on three head, $2,640.
  • Steer Roping: Brent Lewis, 36.2 seconds on three head, $2,065.
  • Bull Riding: Lon Danley, 164 points on two head, $2,499
  • Stock Contractors: Salt River Rodeo and Honeycutt Rodeo.
  • Announcer: Tim Fuller.
  • Bullfighters: Luke kraut Kraut and Clifford Maxwell
  • Pickup men: Cody Resor and Tanner Resor.

Check out these photos from the RAM Turquoise Circuit Finals. Note, none of these photos are mind. Full Credit goes to the photographer!

Info: Left 2015 Champion Heeler, Cory Petska. Right 2015 Champion Barrel Racer, Sherry Cervi. Photo Credit, Sherry Vervi.



John Killian at the Ram Turquoise Circuit Finals Rodeo in Las Cruces, NM! John is riding, Honeycutt's Coconut Queen! Photo Credit: Ric Anderson. 

A HUGE S/O goes out to Ric Anderson for being the onsight photographer for the event. If you would like to see more photos from these event Please check out Ric's website below:

Ric Andersen Photos

That's a wrap for this weeks blog post! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week. Until next time.

Happy Trails

Paige Gregory
Owner and Founder of RodeoChat
Cookeville, TN


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