Inside The Branding Pen Style Secrets For Branding Season

The terrible smells, the unpredictable weather, the way you always manage to get kicked…sounds like branding season, that wonderful time of year where the hours are long and the fellowship is strong.  Typically, the last thing on one’s mind surrounding branding is “what am I going to wear”?  Unless you’re a girl like me.  Considering the amount of pictures that get taken at brandings and how many people are there, I want to look my best, and I’m not ashamed of that!  The balance between style and functionality is always a struggle.  On one end, want to make sure what you wear isn’t something you mind getting dirty or possibly torn.  Riding, roping, and flanking all day aren’t the safest activities for your wardrobe.  Another side is comfort and movement; I don’t want to feel restricted in any way.  Branding is a physical job; there is no doubt about that.  Therefore, we need a style that will allow us to actually work and not just stand around all day.  Lastly, I want to look good.  Some of us don’t care one ounce about what their appearance is while working, and that’s fine.  Some of us where red lipstick and falsies to brandings; that’s fine too!  Whatever makes you feel the best, go for it.



The first thing I always think about is jeans. Thankfully, Alix and I were outfitted with Kimes Ranch jeans this season, her with the Betty and myself with the Alex. These jeans are well thought out in terms of design and extremely high quality. Stylish, yet sturdy and created to work, they were the perfect platform to build our branding styles off of. Footwear was a given (boots), and simple cotton button ups are our choices (never be afraid to shop in the men’s section)! I topped my look off with a single braid going down my back and a ball cap. At the end of the day, I’m so tired, dirty, and sweaty that hardly anyone cares about their appearance. But trust me, when those photos start popping up, you’re going to be thankful that you took some time to think about it! A little makeup and a proper-fitting pair of jeans can go a long way.

Good luck to all you ladies holding your own in the cattle industry!

-Meghan, Salt Lick Sisters


All Caps

Jeans - Betty & Alex

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